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MMA Bronze
40£Every month1 Session a month, Sharable with a group of up to 3 people- £40 Per Session
- A perfect option for those on a budget to improve your skill
MMA Silver
70£Every monthMMA 2 sessions a month sharable in a group upto 3 people- £35 Per Session
- Progresss faster with an extra session each month
MMA Gold (most popular)
120£Every month4 MMA Sessions a month, Sharable in a group upto 3 people- £30 per session
- Progress faster than everyone else with weekly sessions
- Get ahead of all the competition
- Perfect for progressing fitness and cardio
MMA Platinum
240£Every month8 Sessions a month, Sharable in a group upto 3 people- £30 per session
- The ULTIMATE PACKAGE, progress faster than everyone else!
- Your skill level will become unrecognisably different quick!
- Perfect for those who want to get fit and lose weight!
- Accountability for your training!
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